What Can we do about Lead?

What Can we do about Lead? Participatory Budgeting project by CNYCF

The Central New York Community Foundation will be launching a participatory budgeting project this fall.  Participatory budgeting is a shared power process that engages and empowers citizens to make decisions about how to fund projects that address community needs. The goal of this project is to facilitate and empower resident driven solutions to increase lead testing for our children and our homes, especially on the north and south side of Syracuse.

Please see links below for a flyer, schedule, and registration form to attend the convenings.

CNYCF has partnered with the Allyn Foundation, Layla Ambassadors, PEACE, Inc., Families for Lead Freedom Now, Center for Court Innovation, Dunbar Center, Café Sankofa, Northside Women’s Wellness Center of the YMCA, CNY, the Northside Learning Center and Syracuse University’s Program for the Advancement of Research and Conflict (PARC) to make this project possible.

Please help spread the word!



Meeting Schedule: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tJlF0vVfxXeu3Sli_rfLCrtW4DZnsAMV/view?usp=sharing

Registration form: https://forms.gle/21vwibFFycpAHV5z5