Tully Valley Feasibility Study – NEED CONTACT INFO – 10/4, 10/5, 10/6 Info Meetings!

Please send your detailed contact information, i.e., cell phone, telephone and email addresses, to outreach@oei2.org, so we can send you the Zoom link for the Tully Valley feasibility study informational meetings.

There will be three virtual stakeholder introductory meetings to hopefully accommodate schedules, as follows:
Monday, October 4 at 6:30PM,
Tuesday, October 5 at 2:30PM, and
Wednesday, October 6 at 10:00AM.

Due to COVID restrictions, we are not planning an in-person meeting at this time.

Mudboil Feasibility Study Landowner Letter (REVISED)
Mudboils Factsheet
Mudboil Feasibility Study Presentation