
The OEI will foster and conduct formal and non-formal public education and outreach via industry, business, professional societies, academic institutions, public and private schools, environmental organizations, recreational, sporting, neighborhood and citizens groups, electronic and print media, and the internet. Public education and outreach may be performed independently or as collaborative efforts using a variety of partners, methodologies, and technologies. Formal education may involve school programs, curriculum and lesson development for teachers and students. Workshops and in-service training seminars may be used to promote web-based, classroom, and outdoor nature education. Indoor and field experiences will be implemented through various grants and other sponsored initiatives. The OEI may produce or supplement activities and events with a diverse array of off-the-shelf or in-house products and materials, including web-pages, audio-visual presentations, kiosk or panel, book or booklet, poster, and pamphlet or brochure. The OEI will maintain a corporate website that posts and updates OEI projects and activities. The public may also be informed by public service announcement or news release to local television, radio and newspapers.
Below are some of OEI’s related projects.
Amplifying the Partnership for Onondaga Creek’s Environmental Justice Voice
Central New York (CNY) Watercraft Steward Program
Engaging EJ Youth in Restoration of Onondaga Lake Watershed
Environmental Science for Green Infrastructure Installation and Maintenance Training
Franklin Park and Park Hill Rain Barrel Programs
Green Infrastructure (GI) Training and Maintenance
Growing Syracuse’s Next Generation of Environmental Justice Leaders
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI): Improving Aquatic Habitat Connectivity in the Onondaga Creek Watershed for Coldwater Species Restoration, Tully, NY
Lessons for the Mohawk River: Teacher Training & Support
Lessons for the Mohawk River: Youth Engagement and Environmental Stewardship
Local Waterfront Revitalization Project
Promoting Healthy Homes in Syracuse Through Public Awareness and Training
Reviving Place: Onondaga Lake Watershed Community Mapping and Environmental Planning Project
Salmon Run – Creekwalk Mosaic Mural
Save the Rain – Rain Barrel Workshops
Support to create programmatic collaboration with Syracuse youth and Onondaga Nation youth
Translating impact to engender environmental stewardship
Trees for Tribs – Riparian Restoration of the Ley Creek Watershed (Onondaga County, NY)
Youth Exploration in Improving Air Quality
Youth River Education and Recreation Grant – restore a sense of place through science and art